luxury scent diffuser into the market
2023-12-14 18:06:19

In today’s modern professional work environment, it’s important to create a comfortable and productive environment for employees. Rather than spreading your limited budget across multiple large scale interior improvement projects, you can instead give your office a boost with something that will make your space stand out from the crowd: High quality fragrances, which can spice up your living as well.

Let’s take a glance at some of the best benefits that scents in your home and office can provide.

As one of the world's leading fragrance machine manufacturers, Crearoma continues to carry out technological innovation, equipment innovation, service innovation, and management method innovation in the fragrance industry to continue to develop more fragrance products that meet the needs of future development and promote domestic The development of the foreign fragrance industry. At present, Crearoma has more than 20 scent equipments with appearance patent certification and product technology certification. In early December,our team launched  a highend aroma device that looks like a speaker after going th-rough domestic and foreign market assessment and analysis. Named D-AIR/D-AIR PRO

DAir adopts delicate and elegant design, which is a magic diffuser merged LED amient light with nebulizing technology. It can be controlled by two rotate buttons manually or Bluetooth and WiFi remote APP. Super silent working mode, powerful cold-air diffusion technology and playful lights bring an enjoyable scenting experience. 

DAir Pro adopts delicate and elegant design, which is a magic diffuser merged LED amient light with nebulizing technology. It can be controlled by two rotate buttons manually or Bluetooth and WiFi remote APP. Especially, the diffuser build in two pumps and two bottles for different fragrance options. Super silent working mode, powerful cold-air diffusion technology and playful lights bring an enjoyable scenting experience. 

if you want know more details for this new technology diffuser, please contact us freely

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